Bring an event to your community or school!
Photo credit: Helen Gerstung

Presenter: Bob Curtis-Johnson

This workshop covers the structure, themes, and production techniques prevalent in today's short movies. Participants will view and discuss short and super-short films in scene-by-scene detail, block and light scenes, discuss computer editing technology and learn how to get the most impact into no-budget movies, all in a relaxed, creative and encouraging atmosphere. Enthusiasm is all that’s required. The explosion of YouTube and other content-hosting sites has the entire world is making short movies- now it’s your turn!

Intro to: EDITING
Presenter: Bob Curtis-Johnson

Delve deeply into the challenges, joys and creative problem-solving that encompass the world of video editing. This workshop will break down scenes frame-by-frame and review shot and angle selection, pacing, and timing, and review issues inherent in working with sound elements, graphics and special effects, and explain how to optimize your clip organization, backups and general "digital housekeeping." If you have a laptop-based project you're working on, bring it along and Bob will review your work and discuss ideas and possibilities.

Presenter: Bob Curtis-Johnson

Unleash your camera and let it fly! Spend a day absorbed in the techniques and specialties of camera and lighting, and bring new techniques to your next project. In the group, you'll review the basics and options available in today's consumer video cameras; set up and adjust lightweight professional lighting gear, tripods and camera dollies; see the changes in atmosphere that special effects like fog machines and dry ice can bring to your camerawork; explore tabletop setups; block and light actors under different lighting conditions; and practice a range of camera movements to help you refine your vision.

About the Presenter:
Bob Curtis-Johnson has over 30 years’ award-winning professional media production experience both in Alaska and beyond, creating for National Geographic Explorer, PBS, Black Entertainment Television, The Discovery Channel, and many others. In addition to his video production experience, he is a specialist in media preservation issues and consults on collection management, theater installations and video editing environments.

BobsShorts staff are also available for informational presentations about making movies and working in the film industry.